Home is where the heart is

A home chosen by your heart with the help of your senses will bring you great joy and happiness. So trust your feelings. They are there for your highest good.

Your senses -what you see, feel, touch, smell and taste are connected to your past experiences. They have a huge influence on what you are attracted to and what makes you feel safe. They are the inexplicable reason why you are attracted to some properties and not others.

Furthermore, they are the reason why you have to buy that property because it gives you feelings of security and excitement with possibilities.

Spiritually a house is protective and part of your identity.

Moving into your new property represents a new beginning. The culling and organisation required to move house is a chance for you to spiritually re-calibrate. You decide what will be included in your future on many levels. You choose sometimes with great difficulty what to leave behind.

Your home is where patterns of behaviour, ideas and family values form. The family home is the foundation of life and the emotions that go with family relationships occur within its walls. Not only does it support us psychologically but also physically- it is vital for our survival with its roof and walls, it houses our food and precious items, clothes. It is where we are accepted, connected, belong and nourished.

The earth and foundations on which the property is built ground us. The walls and property structure are the bones on which we build meaning and set boundaries. The roof is the highest consciousness or protection. The windows and doors are the eyes that we use to see and interact with the outside world.

A fireplace is the soul of the house, it evokes primal emotions on many levels. Physically it provides warmth as it mesmerises us spiritually.

Bathrooms are where we spiritually take a good look at ourselves and cater to our body’s physical needs.

Kitchens are where we nurture our body and soul, where we can share and be creative. Lounge rooms are important for socialising or feeling cozy. Spiritually we can interact and be stimulated.

The bedroom is where spiritually we can have our most private thoughts, dreams and escape. Physically we are intimate and relaxed.

Next time you are searching for the perfect property listen to your true self. It is much more than you realise. It is a connection to our inner needs of love, safety and belonging. 

Ina | Squarespace Website Designer

Hi, I’m Ina Cadorin, founder of Pink Fig Creative and a Squarespace passionate with over seven years of experience.

My journey in design started with Meraki Graphics, and now, at Pink Fig, I specialize in creating standout websites for early-stage entrepreneurs. Through my Squarespace VIP Days, I offer a personalized approach to website design, focusing on swift transformations that truly reflect your brand.

I’m passionate about turning your digital vision into a reality. Creativity and efficiency are at the core of my work.


Smile every day!!